DIDI Driver Reputation Score: What It Means and How to Improve It


DIDI Driver Reputation Score: What It Means and How to Improve It

When a driver registers with DIDI, one of the key indicators of their performance is their reputation score. This score is based on feedback from passengers, and is a reflection of the driver’s overall performance and customer service. So, what is a good reputation score, and how can drivers improve it?

Understanding the Reputation Score

The reputation score is a number from 0 to 5, with 5 being the highest possible score. This score is based on a driver’s performance in a number of areas, including:

  • Overall rating from passengers
  • Safe driving practices
  • Timeliness and reliability
  • Communication with passengers
  • Cleanliness and upkeep of the vehicle

Drivers can view their reputation score and feedback from passengers directly in the DIDI app. This information is important because it helps drivers understand areas they may need to improve upon, and gives them a glimpse into the passenger experience.

Improving Your Reputation Score

If a driver’s reputation score is low, there are a number of steps they can take to improve it:

  • Focus on safe driving practices, such as obeying traffic laws and avoiding aggressive maneuvers
  • Communicate clearly and effectively with passengers
  • Be punctual and reliable
  • Maintain a clean and well-kept vehicle
  • Solicit feedback from passengers and use it constructively to improve

It is also important for drivers to remember that their reputation score is an ongoing reflection of their performance. By consistently providing excellent customer service and practicing safe driving, drivers can maintain a high reputation score and attract more passengers.


The reputation score is a critical indicator of a driver’s performance on DIDI. By understanding what the score measures and taking steps to improve it, drivers can increase their chances of success on the platform. Remember: a high reputation score is a reflection of your commitment to excellent customer service and safe driving practices.

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